Grade 3

The grade 3C partook in the multicultural festivities of Harmony day at Sirius College. The class was full of a rainbow of smiles and happiness. Everyone brought cultural food to share and enjoy with their peers, and took a day to appreciate all their different identities and celebrate diversity. The students all dressed up in cultural clothes or orange clothing – the colour of communication - to show their enthusiasm and love for harmony, peace and the multi-ethnic Australia that we all live in. The students did a range of activities in relation to the day and learnt all about the different heritages of their friends and classmates. Overall, it was a wonderful day.

As part of our “Life Lessons from Disney” club, and in recognition of Harmony Day, the Grade 3D students watched the film “Pocahontas” to identify the meaning of the quote: “You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you’ll learn things you never knew.” The students recognised that this quote means we are all different in the way we look and what we believe in, but despite this, we all offer different perspectives and teachings to the world that can impact one another in the most positive and effective way possible. The students concluded the activity with the understanding that we must always celebrate each others’ differences and unique qualities, be it the way we talk, think, dress, and our cultural upbringings. We are all one, and we are all capable of making a difference!

Grade 4

On the 7th of March, Year 4D went to the Islamic Museum. We went in two separate groups and our class had to go with 4C. At the Museum we were further broken up into 2 separate groups. We had lots of fun at the Museum. We were given the opportunity to look at some Islamic sites in 4D by wearing some funky looking glasses. We also moved along the museum and read lots of information about some holy sites and their relevance. Doing some Islamic art was also fun, some of us finished our designs and some of us did not. Overall the experience was fantastic but the best part was the 4D looking glasses. You really felt like you were in the middle of Mecca looking around.

By Year 4D